lunes, 4 de agosto de 2014

Julio Cortázar

Born in Belgium on august 26th 1914.
Cortazar’s parents were native from Argentina and when he was four years old Julio’s family migrates to Argentina. He graduated as a school teacher and started his studies at Buenos Aires University but later he must quit because of economic issues.
At the age of 37 he traveled to Paris where he lived most part of his life and worked as a translator for UNESCO.

In 1951 he published his first volume story work titled Bestiario-Bestiary- which included the famous story Casa Tomada -House taken over-.
We highlight among his work Historia de cronopios y de famas - Cronopios and Famas- (1962), La vuelta al día en ochenta mundos -Around the day in eighty worlds-(1967) and his famous novel Rayuela -Hopscoth-(1963).

Cortázar period is located and known as the “Boom generation”. Boom is a big literacy development period in Latin-American novel and marked a point in time where the world change Latin American literature conception for better. Cortázar was not the only one author related to the “Boom” but also we can mention:  Mario Vargas Llosa, Gabriel Garcia Márquez, José Donoso, Alejo Carpentier among others. 
He died in Paris on february 12th 1984.

"We went around without looking for each other, but knowing we went around to find each other".

"Andábamos sin buscarnos pero sabiendo que andábamos para encontrarnos". (Hopscoth)

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