Uruguayan writer, born in 1878 in Salto department Uruguay and died in 1937 in Argentina Buenos Aires.
Known by his brief stories where we can highlight: Cuentos
de la selva -Jungle Tales-
(1918) dedicated to juvenile readers, Cuentos de amor, de locura
y de muerte- Stories
of Love, Madness, and Death- (1917) where we can find the famous tales A la deriva -Drifting-, La
gallina degollada - The
Beheaded Chicken , El almohadón de pluma - The
Feather Pillow, among others.
Quiroga’s life was fully of tragedies, accident and
suicides. When he was 33 after accidentally kill his friends wife, he decides
to start living in the jungle in Misiones province of Argentina. Since then he created most of his work.
His life ended by his own decision after drinking cyanide
when he was informed of having a terrible disease.
"Do not
write under the hold of your emotions. Let them die and later
them to life. If you are able to revive it like it was, as an artist you have
made half of your trip".
escribas bajo el imperio de la emoción. Déjala morir y evócala luego. Si eres
capaz entonces de revivirla tal cual fue, has llegado en arte a la mitad del
camino” (Ten Rules for the
Perfect Storyteller)